3.1.2 Contribution proof & mining methods

In order to effectively accomplish the ultimate goal of Smart Finance, and to better motivate users to actively promote Smart Finance, the mining revenue of Smart NFT will be appropriately tied to the actual promotion ability of users. They can stake tokens to obtain mining rewards, and at the same time, actively participate in project promotion to increase their Smart NFT mining rewards. The first type of Smart Finance mining will be used to generate mining rewards.

The first type of Smart Finance mining calculates hash at fission speed, called fission hash unit. The second type calculates the hash with deposits, called the deposit hash unit. The third type calculates the hash based on the number of staked NFTs, called hot-start mining.

Fission hash unit A mining node can get 0.5 of the total deposit hash units of the directly linked nodes. This part belongs to fission hash units.

The mining node gets 0.1 of the total deposit hash units of the secondary nodes (a total of 9 layers in the network). This part belongs to fission hash units.

For each N times increase in the total deposit hash units of all linked nodes, 0.02N is credited as fission hash units, with two conditions: Condition 1: 0.02N < 0.2, Condition 2: the maximum fission hash units of linked nodes are removed when calculating.

Deposit hash unit The deposit hash unit is calculated based on the weighted ratio of the funds deposited by the node to the GameFi pool.

Hot-start mining The above two methods require the third mining approach before the mining can start. The third mining is also called mining switch, which means that without the third mining, the first and second have no token output.

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